Posts Tagged ‘simon baker’

So I know you all have been waiting and waiting and waiting to read about Thursday’s Fall line-up. Waited with baited breath. Well wait no more because it’s here. But before I start may I just say…”Man, I am such a dork.”


–/> Oldies but goodies (Permanent Staples)

The Big Bang Theory – I missed half of last season, mainly because BBT was on Monday’s that conflicted with everything and my Tivo, which is about 4 years old doesn’t work so well. But it’s always fantastic. Sheldon and Penny are definitely the best parts of that show. Rating: B+

Bones – I didn’t start watching Bones right away. Maybe two years back, I wasn’t feeling well one day and TNT was playing a big marathon of it. So I watched it. 12 episodes in fact all in one day and I was hooked. This new season is going to draw out Bones’ and Booth’s relationship yet again, which is frustrating, but it keeps me watching so I guess it’s doing it’s purpose. Rating: B

Grey’s Anatomy – I’ve had a love hate relationship with this show. I started watching first season, but then stopped because frankly, it was annoying. I’d peak back from time to time when something interesting was happening, like the bomb episode with Christina Ricci, or the Ferry Episode where Meredith (Ellen Pompeo) almost died. And then I found myself watching it every week. Now I’m hooked. I still think it’s annoying to watch adults behave extremely immature, but whatever. Still watching it and frankly, it’s better now that Katherine Heigl left. Because she was the cherry on the crazy cake. Rating: C+/B-

Project Runway – Love this show. Not as good since it made the move to lifetime, but this season is kinda making up for it. This past episode I found myself crying. What’s up with that? It seems as I get older and more tired I cry at everything. But this show definitely made me cry. I feel sad that Mondo felt he had to hide a part of himself to his family because of shame, or disappointing them. That’s real people! Real and Riveting. Oh and the clothes are pretty cute too. Rating: B

–/> New Shows I’m Giving a Try.

$#*! My Dad Says – I’m not sure how long this show is going to last on my DVR list. I haven’t seen the second episode yet, but I still feel like Ryan Devlin has more charisma then this guy. One more episode, then I may be giving up. Rating so Far: D

Nikita – This show is dangerously close to becoming a staple. Maybe it’s because an Asian woman FINALLY has a lead in her own TV show and she’s not a computer nerd, or some arm candy to a jerk, or a karate instructor. There’s action, blood, guns, hot guys, and plus Shane West is easy on the eyes. Rating so far: B+

Shows I don’t watch: Private Practice – I tune in somethings from Greys Anatomy cross-overs or when something major happens like Violets baby being cut from her stomach. Harsh! But frankly, it’s pretty much Grey’s Anatmony but with all the best parts of it taken out.  The Mentalist – Watched it first season, mostly because I worked on it. 2nd Season I felt Simon Baker’s character was less happy and a lot darker and frankly, less fun. The show was already boring, but now it’s boring and sad. NBC Comedy Line Up – not interested. Vampire Diaries and Fringe kept building and building in my DVR, frankly, I let them go.  But they were good and probably still are good shows, they just couldn’t hold my attention. Sorry guys. Here’s a lovely parting gift.

As for My Generation: I knew it was doomed from the start. I wanted to watch it, but knew it wouldn’t last. This show is pretty much REUNION, only without the serial plot. RIP show. I never knew you.