My Top 8 Movies of 2018

Posted: January 23, 2019 in award season, movie reviews, movies

With the 2019 Oscar nominations out, only two of the nominated movies made my best movies of the year.  Which ones made my list? Read below to find out!

To me, the perfect movie has a great balance. It’s funny (even if it’s not a comedy), the actors have great chemistry and are likeable (even if they do unlikeable things), there’s action and intrigue, and there’s some kind of element that makes it special and stand out from the rest. Sure , it has to have great acting but more than the acting it has to have a story that I like with an ending that matches the rest of the movie. My Top movies of the year are also movies I would watch again and again and again.

rants top 8

Disclaimer #1: I couldn’t find 10 movies to be on this list. So instead of a Top 10, it’s a Top 8. (Even though I have 2 Runner Ups.)

Disclaimer #2: Oscar type movies I haven’t seen: Roma, Green Book, The Wife, Can You Ever Forgive Me?

First lets start with the…

Runners Up: THE FAVOURITE and A STAR IS BORN – They didn’t make this list because they all had elements that didn’t quite fit into my parameters for being deserving of my Top 8 Movies.


Every single actor in The Favourite is on point in this movie (Emma Stone, Olivia Coleman, Rachel Weisz). The characters are hilarious, severely flawed, and overly dramatic and the actors bring a depth and nuance to them that really is a marvel to watch. So why didn’t this movie make my list? The ending was terrible! It’s as if it didn’t know how to end the movie so it just ended, in a WTF, lazy kind of way. I wanted a better ending. This movie deserved that.

A terrible ending is similar to why A Star is Born didn’t make the Top 8. The first hour of A Star Is Born is incredible. I saw the movie in Dolby and the magnitude of the various sounds nearly blew out my ear drums (that’s not a bad thing, I promise). Bradley Cooper was real, and gritty, and charismatic, and Lady Gaga, while not always believable had great chemistry with him. And then came the first time they performed together. It was incredible. It was electric. My entire body vibrated with an overload emotions and sound (you can thank Dolby for that). In fact, it was so incredible that the rest of the movie couldn’t live up to it. It became too aware of itself and there was one scene in the movie I just couldn’t get over. So when it came time to be devastated, I wasn’t devasted. The movie was telling me how I should feel, but I wasn’t feeling anything. Ally’s song at the end of the movie was raw and heartbreaking and frankly I should have been sobbing, but the movie failed to get me to that place. Thus, sorry A Star is Born, you didn’t make my Top 8.

So what movies did?


MY TOP 8 MOVIES of 2019




Thoughts: Movies are subjective. Not everyone is going to like them, and a lot of people have mixed feelings about this movie, especially anyone outside of the US. And while not everyone may have like this movie, I loved it. I saw it 3 times in the theater and many more times than that since it was released on DVD. I regret nothing. Crazy Rich Asians is a breath of fresh air because it tells the same stories we know and love but from a different culture’s perspective. It’s a movie that knows exactly what it is and isn’t ashamed of it. It’s a movie that allows you to shut of your brain and just go along for the ride. It’s a movie that allows you to dream big and soak up the luxury of it all. And most of all it has heart. All of its emotional moments are earned and anyone can relate to love and family even if they are not rich, Asian, or crazy. (Fun fact: I am two of these things!)


avengers infinity war

Thoughts: Superhero movies rarely get any love yet two of them made this year’s list for me. Infinity War (even though it’s a middle movie) packs just enough punch to get itself into my Top 8. It’s not on this list because I love superhero movies (which I do) and Marvel movies (which I do), it’s on here because it takes risks – and because it’s a Marvel superhero movie. Every time you cheered, laughed, cried, clenched your body, closed your eyes, yelled out it was earned. It was 10 years in the making and every feeling felt in this movie comes with an intricate backstory. I am not prepared for Endgame, but I can almost guarantee that movie will be on next years list.


game night

Thoughts: This movie was a surprise to me, what seemed upon first glance to be a funny movie turned out to be so much more. This movie wasn’t just funny. It was hilarious. And fun. And made me love Rachel McAdams all that much more. She’s done comedy before, but nothing like this movie and it was just perfect. We all have game nights, but this movie took it to the next level. This movie had the trifecta. Great Characters, Great Story and Great actors. And where most movies like these fail the ending was just as good as the beginning.



Thoughts: This movie flew under the radar for me at first. I didn’t see it in the theaters when it first came out. It’s not the take your friends and go to lunch after kind of movie. It’s about a serious subject that still has ties to the way things are in the world today. But I am so glad I watched it. It was funnier than I expected it to be. Funny, even though the subject matter was not and the humor in this terrible situation is what made the movie work. And then that ending! While the movie was wrapping itself up happily, Spike Lee grabs us by the throat and pulls us into the real world and it hits us like a shock: Tiki torches, White Supremacists, Charlottesville…I had never seen any footage of the car plowing into the people and the shock of it all brought me to tears. This movie does holds up a mirror to the world and forces you to have real conversations about the way things are. (Fun Fact: The entire movie I kept thinking the main character sounds a lot like Denzel Washington. I didn’t realize until the Golden Globes that John David Washington was in fact his son.)


a simple favor

Thoughts: Okay, I know this one a lot of people aren’t going to agree with. But A Simple Favor was just a lot of fun. It definitely made me see Blake Lively in a new light and it took the term “pitting two women against each other” to a whole new level. Anna Kendrick plays a Type-A (her usual) Mommy Blogger who befriends a cool (in more ways than one), chic, rich mother (Blake Lively) who suddenly disappears. This movie is vibrant and outrageous and, well, frickin’ hilarious. You may see some of the twists coming, but that doesn’t mean it’s not fun to watch, that doesn’t mean it’s not done in a way that seems fresh. Also, sometimes you don’t see certain twists. This is a time where not all aspects of the story have to make sense in order for me to love it. Anna Kendrick and Blake Lively are just completely bat sh** crazy in this flick that nothing else really matters.


black panther

Thoughts: Do I really need to explain to you why Black Panther is on this list? If you’ve seen the movie, you don’t, but I’ll tell you anyway: The Costumes, the Hair and Make Up, the Visuals, The Action, Chadwick Boseman, Shirtless Michael B. Jordan, Sympathetic Human Villain, Culture, Diversity, Love, Fighting for What’s Right, Family…all in one Marvel Superhero package. If none of those things appeal to you, then you probably didn’t like this movie.


into the spider verse

Thoughts: I wasn’t as excited about this movie as my friends were, but after watching it I have to say it was probably one of the best Marvel movies out there. Yes, even rivaling my #1 favorite Marvel Movie, The Avengers. With dazzling visuals, new characters, and humorous situations, I found this movie utterly compelling and extremely creative. It took a lot of risks that paid off and it makes me excited for sequels. Also, after so many reboots and reiterations of Spiderman, I find this to me the best Spiderman movie, sorry Tom Hollander.


a quiet place

Thoughts: Is it weird that my favorite movie is both a horror movie and also has barely any dialogue in it. Maybe that’s what makes it so good. I remember watching it in the movie theater and there was a moment when the entire theater went quiet. No sound was on screen and everyone in the packed theater was collectively holding their breath. I mean it. No one coughed, shifted in their seat, munched on popcorn. For a solid 45 seconds it was dead silent and it was amazing. It was original, suspenseful, and exciting with great acting and a great empowering ending.


Do you agree with my choices? What’s your #1 movie of 2018? Also how could the Oscars NOT give A Quiet Place some love?


Random Thoughts on the 24th Critics Choice Awards

  • Guys, even if you know you’re handsome, never say you’re handsome to a group of famous movie and TV stars or really at all.
  • I fast forwarded through Taye Diggs musical montage. Someone tell me how it was? Was it as cringe-worthy as it looked?
  • I love that “Shallow” won, but I just can’t with Lady Gaga, I’m sorry. I know she’s trying to be humble, but I just can’t. (See more on this in my Golden Globe Random Thoughts).
  • Emily Blunt’s reaction to Taye Diggs as Mary Poppins, dropping it like it’s hot then asking her to touch it, is all of us.


  • I love that to announce the best horror/sci-fi nominees they show all the scariest moments. I’m excited that A Quiet Place gets some love.
  • John Krasinski and Emily Blunt are too cute for words.
  • What’s up with that guy with the Joey’s Burgers? Skit gone wrong or dude just wants camera time?
  • Claire Foy has been in the business since 2008. How come they only showed clips from 3 of the things she’s done? (Fun Fact: She was in my Netflix guilty pleasure movie Vampire Academy as Ms. Karp…anyone? Anyone? No? Just me?)
  • Catherine O’Hara: “What the f-hell?”
  • A Tie between Amy Adams and Patricia Arquette? That makes things super awkward at the microphone.
  • Christian Bale makes fun of the fact that Vice is put in the Comedy Category, but it is a funny movie. And it’s edited like a comedy.
  • Ken Jeong’s face is my face for Crazy Rich Asians winning Best Comedy. Asians represent! I also love that they all get a standing O.


  • Can I also just say Nina Jacobson’s wardrobe is just as bad ass as that acceptance speech?
  • Yay to Black Panther for best Costume Design, but really Vice for best Hair and Make Up? Really? That specialty make-up on Michael B. Jordan is award worthy on its own.
  • So on every awards show there’s an award “ambassador” which is just a fancy way of saying a person who holds on to the award until the winner receives it. Then after said winner is done with their speech they always look toward that person as to where to leave the stage. Well why doesn’t that ambassador set themselves up in the direction the actor would be heading toward their exit. As opposed to having to point them in the right way when they are facing the wrong way? Did any of that make sense? Did you all just skip over this paragraph?
  • Another tie? The women nominees are KILLING it today. Glenn Close is amazing. She mentions how the world likes to pit women against each other, but that everyone in the room celebrates each other. Love that. Also LOVE that she gets to give her own speech, then her fellow winner will give hers.
  • I love the crowd telling Glenn Close to stay on stage when Lady Gaga wins. Congrats to her that she won but I can’t listen to her talk…and it goes on FOREVER. Longer then Glenn’s, perks of going 2nd I guess.
  • After finally watching Vice (I just watched it on Saturday), I not mad at Christian Bale winning for Vice. I think the Oscar race will come down to Rami and Christian.
  • I’m sad Alfonso Cuaron didn’t get to speak for longer after Roma winning best picture. If Lady Gaga hadn’t taken so long on her speech…okay fine, Alfonso won for best director too, but Gaga also won for best song and gave a speech before that so…come on man!

Anyway, congrats to all the winners. I honestly don’t know where my dislike for Lady Gaga comes from. The ceremony itself was kind of a mess, but at least it’s over now. Thanks for ready all my lazy crazy, hazy thoughts on the Critic’s Choice Awards!

Award Season is beginning starting with the Golden Globes! While the combo of Andy Samberg and Sandra Oh seems random, I thought they did a fairly decent job hosting the Golden Globes, though most of the time their misleading intros to presenters was miss.


I made a lot of assumptions as to which nominee would win but in a lot of ways I was pleasantly surprised (nothing but song choice for A Star Is Born?). I was also surprised that political statements mostly subtle (but powerful) as opposed to previous years.

I do have a lot of thoughts on the Globes so here they are: My random thoughts…

Random 2019 Golden Globes Thoughts
  • Sandra Oh: “[Crazy Rich Asians] is the first studio film with an Asian American Lead since Ghost in the Shell and Aloha.”
    Emma Stone (off Camera) “I’M SORRY!”
    First of all, amazing. Second of all…WHY DIDN’T THE CAMERA CUT TO HER??
    (Note: As soon as I heard the “I’m sorry” I immediately replayed it…twice.)
  • I am so frickin’ happy Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse won. I have to admit that movie is most definitely in my Top 10 Movies of 2018.
  • The Golden Globes are trying to be quick today. I can tell.
  • Taraji P. looks fantastic in her velvet dress.
  • Jaime Lee Curtis. WORK. – WOW. She looks amazing AF.
  • Love Patricia Arquette’s shout out to her female DP!
  • Was that flu shot thing real? Because that’s…weird…and concerning…and…weird.
  • I don’t know how I feel about Lucy Liu’s dress…
  • Idris Elba and Taylor Swift presenting an award has to be the most random pair ever.
  • Where’s Ryan Gosling?
  • If “Shallow” doesn’t win best original song…AND it does. I mean really – that’s a no brainer.
  • Unpopular thought: I don’t know how I feel about Lady Gaga. I mean I want to like her. Her voice is amazing, her songs are great, she’s an awesome performer, but it’s hard for me to see her as genuine, especially during awards time. I think I feel like how a lot of people felt about Anne Hathaway when she accepted the award for Les Miserable. Her “humility” comes across as fake.
  • Sandra Oh: “She doesn’t know this, but I once watched our next presenter eat a salad at M Café on Melrose…”
  • Sandra Oh’s face when she’s the winner. And then her Dad standing. And then her saying, “Oh Daddy!” Seriously, all the feels! Also, when is the last time a Golden Globes host won the award at the same time? (Fun fact: it’s been 40 years since an Asian woman has won in that category, and she’s also the FIRST Asian woman to win multiple Golden Globe awards. Way to represent Sandra! You go girl!)
  • Maya Ruldoph talking about supporting actresses: “Beautiful people need people to talk to.”
  • Did the announcer called Adam Driver “Allen Driver?”
  • It still weirds me out to hear Christian Bales accent. Throws me every time.
  • I want Jessica Chastain’s earrings.
  • Olivia Coleman is adorable! “I went on a private JET!”
  • I love everything about Janelle Monae’s look.
  • I can’t tell if Bill Murrary is joking or super super drunk.
  • Not having seen the movie, I’m surprised Green Book won best motion picture – Musical or Comedy. I guess this means I should watch it?
  • Not having seen The Wife, I’m absolutely shocked that Lady Gaga didn’t win for Best Actress. And completely thrilled Glenn Close won. And her speech is just as classy and empowering as she is.
  • So excited for the diverse winners! Fingers crossed the Oscars can do the same! And fingers crossed Black Panther gets more love!
  • I have to say I am shocked that A Star is Born didn’t win more awards. (Note: I liked the first half of Shallow, everything leading up to Lady Gaga’s incredible performance of Shallow was SO FANTASTIC. Especially in Dolby with the sound and music cranked up to 11. But the back half of the film left a lot to be desired and it wasn’t as good was I wanted it to be. However, everything about the film just felt like it would be one of the top contenders.)

rami malek gg2019

What did you think about the Globes. Are you as surprised Green Book got as many wins as it did as I am? And also Bohemian Rhapsody won over A Star Is Born? (Rami was incredible, but the movie itself would have been nothing without it. Then again I don’t really know what should win in it’s place.) What did you think of Sandra Oh and Andy Samberg as hosts? And most of all, who do you think will be hosting the Oscars? I vote Steve Carell or bring back Tina and Amy!



For the past 3 years or so I’ve been completely enamored with Christmas movies, particularly Hallmark Christmas Movies. The plot is explained in the first five minutes, then it’s 70 minutes of baking cookies, riding sleighs, snow, dancing, gingerbread houses, chaste kisses, and pretty girls kissing some handsome and some not so handsome guys. After that there is about 15 minutes of drama until it all gets wrapped up in a neat glittery Christmas bow. It’s sweet, and entertaining and sets unrealistic expectations for love, Christmas, and weather. (Yes, I said weather. How does it start snowing right when they kiss?)

Below are my Top 12 Hallmark Christmas Movies spanning from 2013-2017. (I haven’t finished this years Christmas movies yet, but seen almost all of them. There’s still a couple in the queue. That’s a conversation for another time. )

 My Top 12 Best Hallmark Movies


Boy Meets Cat, Boy Meets Girl who has Cat, Boy’s girlfriend gets Girl fired, Boy Offers Girl to stay with him, Boy’s cat and Girls cat fall in love, Boy and Girl Fall in love, Girl gets scared, Boy Gets Scared, Girl gets boy, cat, cat, and love. Merry Christmas.



A busy man hires a woman to buy his Christmas presents for him. She’s a free spirit and an artist, he works at an ad agency and needs the perfect Christmas pitch. She teaches him to pay more attention to the needs of other people around him and he teaches her to step out of her comfort zone and believe in her abilities. Katrina Law has a special warmth to her voice that makes you believe anything is possible at Christmas.



Autumn Reeser makes this movie as good as it is. She plays a Mom who is treated to a trip to the Bramble House by a former client who passed away also leaving her a lot of money. The son of the client travels to Bramble House to find the truth as to why has father was there for this woman, when he couldn’t even be there for his own family. Of course ice skating, gingerbread making, and Christmas tree decorating ensues. Plus the kid is pretty damn cute.



I admit, this movie is pretty cheesy and the two leads aren’t the greatest of actors, despite all that I just really like this movie! It’s fun and completely ridiculous. A woman is sent ahead to meet with her boyfriends family and after a string of bad luck and coincidences, she ends up spending the holidays with the wrong family…And subsequently falling in love with another guy. Ridiculous yes, and yet somehow I every time I travel during the holidays I keep my eye out for a handsome guy at the airport to bump into so he can take me home to his family. That’s not creepy at all, right? RIGHT?



Bonnie Sommerville is a high exec driving to a big clients wedding in an old car in the dead of snowy winter. Of course her car stalls and she becomes “trapped” in a town called Christmas Valley. She falls in love with small town life and a man an his daughter. There’s also wreath making, Christmas tree shopping, and fruit cake making. What is fruit cake anyway? This one is also a little cheesy with over the top acting, but I love it…like Christmas!



Danica McKeller of Wonder Years fame finds herself a nanny to a princess. There’s also a scheming Queen, a staff who loves her America ways, horseback riding, and an evil woman who wants to steal the prince away from the nice simple nanny and send his daughter off to boarding school.  The best parts of this story is the main characters relationship to the kings daughter and the laughter they share. There’s also ornament making, Christmas tree decorating, getting trapped in a green house and a snowball fight.



Marc Blucas is HOT. Okay, you need more than that. Miss Christmas (not her real name) is a tree finder for Radcliffe and must find the perfect Christmas Tree for the tree lighting. When a letter from a litter kid sends her to a small town with the promise of the perfect tree, she must convince the disgruntled tree owner to sell if she wants to save her job. Both characters are extremely likeable and have a lot of chemistry. There’s tree decorating, house decorating, present wrapping, oh my.



Candace Cameron Bure stars as a exec who’s company has bought a family run snow lodge. She visits the lodge in order to take notes on how to change the facility, while the family works to convince her to keep the Christmas spirit of the lodge alive and not make it corporate. There’s skiing, Christmas traditions, ice fishing, father/son conflict, and cookie making. It’s just a sweet story with two leads that have good chemistry who find their Christmas Spirit.



Years ago a college radio DJ rescued his coworker by giving her a ride home when she was stranded during Christmas. He helped raise her Christmas Spirits when they were low. Years later when they are once again reunited (he’s a famous DJ and she works at a failing newspaper) she finds he has lost his Christmas spirit and secretly sends him 12 gifts to reignite his love for the Holiday. All the while she writes newspaper articles on his “secret” Santa. There are carriage rides, snowmen, cookies, volunteering and most of all glitter.



This is another movie that’s so much better with great actors: Luke MacFarlane and Jaime King. It’s about a couple of strangers that team up via a contract. He will pretend to be her boyfriend to make her ex jealous and her co-workers stop gossiping about her working with her former flame. And she will pretend to be his girlfriend so he can get his promotion since his boss loves to promote people who are in steady relationships for some reason. It’s sweet and sentimental. There’s caroling, tree decorating, ice skating, candy organizing, ornament buying, bright lipstick, and most importantly, the dreamy Luke MacFarlane.   



Lacey Chabert of Party of Five Fame stars in this movie as a fashion designer who finds out her boyfriend of a year is actually a prince. He takes her home to visit his family much to his mother, the Queen’s chagrin. The mother is played by a fabulous Jane Seymour. There’s also horseback riding, royal balls, a training montage, orphans, redesigning ugly dresses, and haggis. Lacey Chabert has a lot of charm and great comedic timing and I always like it when the staff gets special shout outs for all their hard work.



This is by far my favorite Hallmark Christmas movie, also starring Katrina Law who made a previous appearance on this list. Here, Katrina plays a journalist whose car gets stuck in a snow storm while she’s enroute to stalk a prominent, wealthy family. With only her friend’s wedding dress in the car to keep warm she puts on the dress and runs out into the snow searching for help. After a tumble down a hill she’s rescued by the very man she was sought to get a story on. From there the pair decide to play a couple after the man’s brother arrives with his ex-fiancé as his own girlfriend. It’s funny, romantic, and rooted in family. There is gingerbread making, story writing, dancing, and shopping. What I like about this movie the most is that the characters are smarter than the average Hallmark Movie character. The drama takes place in the plot as opposed to ridiculously stupid things the characters choose to do.
snow bride

What are your favorite Hallmark Christmas Movies?




Rants is Now On Instagram!

Posted: December 29, 2018 in Uncategorized

Hey guys!

Exciting news! Rants of A Crazy Person is on Instagram!

Please take a moment to follow me as I post pictures of food I eat, places I go, weird things I find, and honestly any crazy ramblings I have.

Recently Time Out LA even reposted a picture I took!

Insta Capture 

So again, Check Rants Of A Crazy Person out on Instagram, follow me and stay tuned for new posts!




It’s the finale episode dancers! So many things happened watching the final 4 perform (I know, I missed that recap!). There were great duets (Taylor and Koine! Taylor and Lex!) and new revelations (Taylor and Lex are a couple?) and the dread that soon enough SYTYCD will be over. But it’s not over yet, at least not for me because even though the episode aired almost a week ago, I’m just now pressing play…



Season 14

The Finale! Winner Revealed!

Image result for SO you think you can dance season 14 finale mia michaels

Random Stream of Consciousness Thoughts
  • The opening number is one of those performances that would have been really cool to see live. The Top 10 are back, there are light-up stars that are promoting Macy’s and it’s definitely a hype-the-crowd kind of performance. My guess is Christopher Scott choreographed that routine. He likes those hoppy dance steps. But I’m wrong, it’s Mandy Moore’s handy work. (Song: “Dancing on the Ceiling” by Nick Wells).
  • I’m going to miss how much all the dancers worship Cat when she comes out on stage.
  • I love Cat’s ring that encompasses almost her entire middle finger.
  • Vanessa’s wearing tule around her neck. Yup.
  • I love Mary’s outfit. That neckline is gorgeous.
  • I liked how they tried to pretend that the 70’s intro wasn’t pre-recorded. How could Kiki and Koine really change that fast? Nice trick in having those audience members behind you waving those lights but I’m NOT fooled Cat. Not fooled.
  • So glad Nigel picked the bird routine as his favorite! Every time that music swells it gets me EVERY! TIME! So good. And this time he gets the girl in the end because Lex and Taylor are a couple. So adorable. So swoon worthy. Can they just make a Broadway play with these two please?
  • I don’t care that “Mother!” by Ru Paul was the original performance. I love this routine. Glad Nigel is branching out and being the one promoting it. Glad to see it again. It’s probably in my Top 5 performances of all time on SYTYCD.
  • All right – I like Vanessa’s neck tule when I see the whole dress together.
  • “Nobody can be a better you than you.” – Mia Michaels
  • Damn, Mia Michaels can pull some crazy crazy things out of her dancers. This routine was filled with just so much power and emotion that I actually got teary eyed. Seriously this routine was brilliant. It was so intense and powerful and life-changing. I love hearing the raw and visceral screams from the dancers. (Song: “Hyper-Ballad (Paky Di Maio Remix)” by Paola Canestrelli) It might even beat out “Mother!”
  • Travis Wall and Lex are like a power couple. Another great routine. Love the concept. Love the theatrics of it all, Lex and Travis did some crazy moves in there. Such great acting too from Lex. This was hauntingly beautiful. (Song: “Tear, Part 1” by Son Lux).
  • The closet routine, another one of my favorites, was a lot smoother this time around. But I think it lost a little bit of its innocence as well. But Marko and Koine sobbing at the end of the routine made it all better. Especially when Marko admits Koine gave him a card beforehand.
  • I love the way Gaby throws herself at Lex.
  • Last week I would have said Taylor would win the show, but for some weird reason tonight feels like Lex’s night. I think the final two will be Lex and Taylor with Lex taking home the gold.
  • I actually kind of adored watching Vanessa dance with Robert. It was a little awkward, but also adorable. So really just like her.
  • Love hearing Nigel talking about Diversity. Love seeing the Maya Angelou piece again, even if they did make a mistake at the end there…
  • Love Cat chasing the dancers off the stage…
  • …But then she calls the back on stage? Odd.
  • WHAT? Taylor is in 3rd place? Wow. But I’m okay with it only because Lex is going to win.
  • You can see it on Koine’s face, she knows it’s Lex. Right? Just say it’s Lex, Cat…
  • IT’S LEX!!!
  • “Lex you deserve this more than anybody else.” God, Koine you are the best.
  • I can’t believe Koine doesn’t get a good-bye package.


Image result for SO you think you can dance season 14 finale  lex

Yay Lex Wins!

Final Thoughts: Lex definitely deserves to win. He performed death defying moves, showed off his personality and sass, and he is just an overall humble good guy. I’m glad he won, and I hope he and Taylor’s love blossoms.

Thanks for sticking with me readers. My recaps aren’t always on time, but….okay there’s no but. That’s it. Thanks for the love, laughter and dance SYTYCD see you next year *hopefully*.  Until then dancers…

Double Elimination Time is here. Realllly FOX you couldn’t have squeezed out one more episode with these incredible dancers? Tonight’s episode will reveal the final four, because six minus two equals four. That’s just a little math there for you guys. Lets press play!


Season 14

Top 6 Perform

Image result for so you think you can dance 2017

The opening routine was seriously high concept. It was modern contemporary dancing and also, the legos of dancing. There were spinning blocks, moving blocks, building blocks. It was all really stunning. I love the preciseness of the movements and the way that everything just went together: colors, costumes, lighting. It all had to be on point and it all worked. (Song: “Prism” by Nathan Lanier /  Choreographer: Christopher Scott)

Opening Random Thoughts:

  • Of course that opening routine was done by Christopher Scott, it all makes sense now!
  • Mary Murphy! Too much pink!
  • I don’t know how I feel about Vanessa’s hair.


Image result for so you think you can dance 2017

Duet #1: Lex & All Star Gaby

Style: Samba / Choreography: Sasha Farber
Song: “Chillando Goma” by Fulanito
Performance: First we need to talk about the into. 1) I love that Gaby called Lex, Sexy Lexy, 2) I loved that it was the man who was asked to go topless, 3) I love that Gaby actually took off Lex’s shirt for him. And I’m done. Now about that performance…Guys, Samba is weird. I mean there were just such a mixtures of dance styles here. A little Bollywood, a little African Jazz. It was all here. And I get that Lex was supposed to be sexy here, but I imagine it’s hard to be sexy wearing what he’s wearing, and you know, using Gaby’s butt as drums…and then playing them. But whatevs, lets just talk about the actual dancing. I guess, me not knowing what Samba is, it was very samba-y. They seemed to dance it well, they looked like they were having fun, and it was very high energy. However I was very confused by the choreography and whole concept of the routine which bumps the whole thing down for me. Grade: B

Image result for so you think you can dance 2017 koine and marko

Duet #2: Koine & All Star Marko

Style: Contemporary / Choreographer: Mandy Korpinen & Elizabeth Petrin
Song: “You’re The Last Thing On My Mind” by Aron Wright
Performance: The Minute I saw the hanger and the doors and the rod, I was super concerned. Sometimes high-concept routines with super props can be distracting. However this was not the case. Koine really brought the emotion to it all with her face and the hanger provided some really beautiful moments, like them spinning around and around just loving each other. It was a sweet and sad routine and I really loved it. Grade: A

Image result for so you think you can dance 2017 kiki and jenna

Duet #3: Kiki & All-Star Jenna

Style: Jazz / Choreographer: Ray Leeper
Song: “Proud Mary” by Tina Turner
Performance: This was a high-energy crazy Jazz performance that almost didn’t seem very jazzy. Jenna as always was fantastic, but Kiki was a little awkward in the beginning, then he got into it, but I think at the end he started to get tired. Luckily for him Jenna was the shiny object to distract us. The routine was OK, but I think it could have been better. Grade: B-

Image result for so you think you can dance 2017 koine and marko

Duet #4: Kaylee & All-Star Cyrus

Style: Hip-Hop/ Choreography: Phillip Chbeeb
Song: “Die Trying” by Michl
Performance: Wow, this performance was super cool. The second you hear this is from Phillip Chbeeb you know it’s going to be super unique and that’s what it was. The prop of the ladder box was not even distracting in fact it added to the performance. There were so many cool moments like when Cyrus held her level to the ground and spun her, or when she was standing in his arms and he flipped her around like a windmill, or one of those sign guys. I really lived the choreography and just the uniqueness itself and I thought that Cryus and Kaylee did a great job. Grade: B+

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Duet #5: Taylor & All-Star Robert

Style: Hip Hop / Choreographer: Mari Madrid & Kepne Madrid
Song: “Numb & Getting Colder” by Flume feat. Kucka
Performance: I loved this. It was super sick. It was weird and cool and just captivating. Taylor’s isolations were spot on. I loved when she and Robert were just shaking ever so slightly in unison. And it was great to see another side of Taylor. This piece was more about the awesomeness of the moves and the dancing more than it was about character which I appreciated. Grade: A

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Duet #6: Logan & All-Star Allison

Style: Contemporary / Choreographer: Dee Caspary
Song: “The Other Side” by Ruelle
Performance: I don’t know what I think about this routine. I think in this routine I saw Logan more as a man than a boy which was good. Allison looked sexy as hell and there were times when the piece really worked, especially at the end when the music picked up and they were so connected.  But that rose stem or whatever was weird and distracting. And It was also kind of hard to see their movements with the black on black on black. Logan was incredible though. His moves are so big and he puts everything into them. I think maybe I didn’t connect with the choreography. Performance: B+

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Duet #7: Koine & Lex

Style: Disco / Choreographer: Doriana Sanchez
Song: “Knock On Wood” by Amii Stewart
Performance: Wow this routine was crazy! I think I say that all the time, but it was just not stop spin life spin lift! Spin! Lift! Moving so fast. I thought they danced it so well, though Lex could have been a little sexier about it. But can we talk about that ending? There was a little wobble at the end there and I seriously think Lex hurt himself. They were both hobbling to the end and holding each other up.  He’s literally shaking while the judges are talking to him. They both seem off when this routine is over. Nigel and Cat finally call him out on it. Thank god. But you can totally tell he’s not OK. Performance: B+

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Duet #8: Taylor & Logan

Style: Jazz / Choreographer: Mark Kanemura
Song: “Gypsy” by Lady Gaga
Performance: Mark crying at the end of this routine is also everything! This routine was so happy. I mean lit was just free and light and happy and magical. It was super sweet and had all this lovely emotion with it. It really was a beautiful piece. And I actually thought Logan out danced Taylor, he lost himself in this piece in a good way. Grade: A

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Duet #8: Kaylee & Kiki

Style: Bollywood/ Choreographer: Nakul Dev Mahajan
Song: “Gallan Goodiyaan” by Dil Dhadakne Do (Soundtrack)
Performance: I usually love Bollywood and I liked this, but it wasn’t as fast as it usually is. I liked that it had a story to it, I like that lift section but I also feel like there was nothing really special about their dancing. Grade: C+


Top 4 Revealed: Lex, Koine, Kiki, & Taylor

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My Thoughts: I gotta say, I’m super upset about Logan. Super upset. Come on America. I know Kiki looks good with his shirt off up Logan has the skills! Okay Kiki has skills too but still.


Top 3 Performances:
  • Koine and Marko – Contemporary
  • Taylor and Robert – Hip Hop
  • Taylor and Logan – Jazz
Random Thoughts
  • “You have to ask permission to play a girls butt bongos.” – Cat
  • So Nigel told Lex he needed classes, Mary says that some of his technical moves in the Samba weren’t great, but according to Vanessa, he doesn’t need classes, he’s stupendous. Sure, take it from her, Lex. Take it from her. (Man, I feel real mean right now?)
  • Watching Cat Deely do the Tina Turner moves is everything.
  • Miiiiiaaaaa Miiiiiiichaels!!!!
  • When Koine and Lex’s critique is over. they’re both ready to leave the stage and Cat stalls them. Lex gives this little look with his eyes. He’s definitely not OK.
  • He’s literally limping off that stage and he nearly collapses into Gaby’s arms, guys I’m so scared for him.
  • I’m very surprised that Kiki has made it! What about Logan & Koine? They both have to make it too. Are they just kidding and there’s really a top 5?
  • I’m sooo happy to see Lex standing up out there, but Taylor is definitely holding him up. When Taylor moves away there he’s definitely limping on that foot. I’m worried about that kid.


Creepy Nigel Comment Of The Show: “I love the idea hanging a piece of lingerie in my closet tonight and seeing it filled by a beautiful woman later on.”  – That look on Mary’s face. Priceless.


Final Thoughts: I really hope Lex didn’t get hurt too bad and I hope either he or Taylor take home the gold. Though more Taylor! It’s been a crazy ride and we’re almost to the end kids! Until then….




The sting of Dassy’s elimination still fresh on my mind, we begin another episode of still my favorite dance show. Let’s hope the judges get it right this time.





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Just when I was thinking, okay, this is a nice Broadway routine — nothing special, descent routine – they bust out with that awesome tap number in the middle and I wonder is there anything Robert can’t do? Then Jenna comes out in this ridiculous outfit and wow, way to end a number. I’m loving the big extravagant group routines. It really adds so much to the show. (Song“Overture” by Merrily We Roll Along (2012 New York Cast) / Choreographer:  Warren Carlyle)

Random Opening Thoughts:

  • Cat is wearing an outfit that looks too young for her. Or is it just the braided pigtails that makes it feel that way.
  • Also…damn those shoes…she must be like 9 feet tall in those!
  • Cat says next week is a double elimination. What the hell?
 Image result for lex and gaby hip hop so you think you can dance
Duet #1: Lex and All-Star Gaby

Style: Hip Hop / Choreographer: Luther Brown
Song: “Humble” by Kendrick Lamar
Performance Thoughts: First of all, what is going on with Gaby’s hair? Second of all, this routine was super fly. What? That words not cool anymore? Dope? Not that one either? Whatever, you could tell these two guys were just having sooooo much fun. It’s like they were breathing these moves. They weren’t thinking about it, they were just dancing and having fun and this kind of dancing was the only way they could express themselves. It just made me smile. I loved it. Standing O well deserved. Performance Grade: A

Solo #1: Taylor

Song: “Open Hands” by Ingrid Michaelson feat. Trent Dabbs
Performance Thoughts:  She really shows off her control and flexibility (and writhing) skills here.  Grade: B

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Duet #2: Logan and All-Star Allison

Style: African Jazz / Choreographer: Sean Cheesman
Song: “Kabila” by Lord Kraven
Performance Thoughts:  It’s very animalistic, so quick moving, and there are these crazy intense moves that Logan pulls off flipping and turning Allison every which way. There was a set of leg spins that Logan did that were so beautiful and then when Allison did the upside down splits and Logan spun her around it was pretty amazing. I loved it. Nigel hits it on the nose when he calls the choreography both difficult and impressive. Performance Thoughts: A

Solo #2: Mark

Song: “Funky Town” by Lipps, Inc
Performance Thoughts: I’m sure I’ve said it before but I love seeing him dancing in his own style. He just has so much flair and style and personality. Performance: B

Duet #3: Kaylee and All-Star Cyrus

Style: Contemporary / Choreographer: Tyce Diorio
Song: “DLKA” by Troye Sivan feat. Tkay Maidza
Performance: I love that the piece is weird and funky and Kaylee gets to do weird jerky movements as opposed to the light delicate contemporary. However, I’m not sure how I feel about this piece. Something is missing. Passion, or believability. I feel like Kaylee needs to reach a little more, stretch out a little more, she still feels a little bit muted. I’d really love to see her let go. This piece wasn’t bad, but I wasn’t as into it as I could have been. Performance: B-

Solo #3: Koine

Song: “I Fall Apart” by Post Malone
Performance: I’m a little perplexed as to what she’s wearing, but her solo is full of life which I adore.  Performance Grade: A-

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Duet #4: Kiki and All-Star Jenna

Style: Broadway / Style: Warren Carlyle
Song: “Dancing Fool” by Barry Manilow
Performance Thoughts: Okay, soooooo I loved it. Who do you think as more pressure on them? The cane catcher or the cane thrower? This was just a really fun routine and Kiki showed off so much charisma. The props added an awesome level of intensity but the dancing was just a lot of fun. They were in sync, they looked like they were having fun, and they caught every cane. Performance Thoughts: B+/A-

Solo #4: Logan

Song: “Intro” by M83
Performance Thoughts: Love the head spinning, but could have done with more dancing, only because I love watching him dance. Performance Thought: B-

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Duet #5: Koine and All-Star Marko

Style: Jive / Choreographer: Dimitry Chaplin
Song: “Rock Around The Clock” by Bill Haley & His Comets
Performance Thoughts: Watching this really made me want to go swing dancing. It had a lot of energy, and Koine looks so cute out there. I loved how all the lifts and twirls were so effortless. It really looked like they were having fun out there.  Performance Thoughts: B+

Solo #5: Kaylee

Song: “Bad Blood” by NAO
Performance Thoughts: I’ve always loved Kaylee’s solo. This is where she really lets go I think, I wish she could bring some of that into her duet performances. Grade: B+

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Group Performance – All Stars

This routine is SOOOOO Brian Friedman, with the weird French Mimes. Okay, they’re not Mimes, they’re just super French. But it’s very stylistic. LOOOOOVVVEEE the use of the lamps as please and the fact that the men are dancing on it not the women. (Song: “Derniere Danse” by Indila / Choreographer: Brian Friedman)

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Duet #6: Taylor and All-Star Robert

Style: Contemporary  / Choreographer: Mandy Moore
Song: “To Make You Feel My Love,” by Mick McAuley & Winifred Horan
Performance Thoughts: Soooo beautiful. I mean the song realllly helped it along, and that dress is beautiful, but I just love how connected they are. They were just in their own little world together and it was romantic and sweet. It actually reminded me a lot of another yellow dress routine from Season 11 ”Like Real People Do” with Jessica and Casey (and I may have liked that routine better). But this routine was super dreamy. And Taylors look at the end. Melts my heart. Performance Grade: A-

Solo#6: Lex

Song: “Sleep Talk” by Skye Chai
Performance Thoughts: I feel like in every one of Lex’s solos I see something I’ve never seen before and I love that. I love the little back roll he did and the spin in the air move was incredible. Grade: A

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Duet #7: Mark and All-Star Comfort

Style: Hip Hop / Choreographer: Misha Gabriel
Song: “No Twerk” by Apashe & Panther x Odalisk
Performance Thoughts: Unnecessary gong noise aside, this routine was actually pretty cool. I loved the tutting, the strong and slick moves, and the jagged edges of the routine. I loved the part where they threw each other back and back and back. It was pretty cool.  Performance Grade: Bish

Solo #7: Kiki

Song: “Land of 1000 Dances” by Wilson Pickett
Performance: Lots of energy. Fancy footwork. The ladies loved it. Grade: B-

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Group Routine #3: Lex, Kaylee, & Logan

Performance Thoughts: First of all, great sound choice. This definitely was an anthem song and anthem routine. It took them a bit to find their groove together, they weren’t always in sync. But it felt powerful and it felt strong.  Lex did this crazy spin ending in an arabesque. Beautiful. Performance Grade: B+ (Song: “Strange” by LP, Choreographers: Dwight Roden and Desmond Richardson)

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Group Routine #4: Mark, Taylor, Koine, Kiki

Performance Thoughts: Before this piece even started, when I saw the name of the “song” I screamed, Yes! Sean Cheesman has been KILLING it this season with his song choices. From just the beat boxing mouth noises, to this piece with the spoken word, it’s just been so amazing. This piece was so powerful. I almost wish that there was no audience noise. They all showed off their amazing strength, never straying too far from each other always somehow connected always in their little cluster. This piece involved a lot of trust, and a lot of heart, and a lot of strength both mentally and physically. It really was extraordinary.(Song: “Still I Rise (Maya Angelou)” by Alexis Henry / Choreographer: Sean Cheesman) Performance Grade: A


Cat Announces the Bottom Three: Kaylee, Mark, Kiki

My Thoughts: I love how Mark laughs about being in the bottom three. It just shows his joy for life. That being said, I am not mad at this three. I think it’s time for Kaylee to go home, but I feel like the judges are going to send Mark home. It was something Nigel said. DON’T DO IT NIGEL!

The Person Going Home IsMark. Nigel says it was America’s decision but was it Nigel? Was it? I may have actually gotten a little misty-eyed at Mark’s goodbye package, though I think that has to do a lot with the IZ song. So sad he’s going home!

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Top 4 Performances
  1. Mark, Taylor, Kiki, Koine – Group Routine
  2. Lex and All-Star Gaby – Hip Hop
  3. Logan and All-Star Allison – African Jazz
  4. Taylor and All-Star Robert – Contemporary
The Dancers Ranked
  1. Lex
  2. Taylor
  3. Logan
  4. Koine
  5. KiKi
  6. Kaylee
  • Cat: “I love it when Mary gets street!”
  • I’m entranced by Vanessa’s yellow eyeshadow. I want to wear my eye shadow like that.
  • Mary Murphy: “Lord have Murphy.” – That’s genius.
  • Koine is so adorable. I mean really.
  • Looking up the “Like Real People Do” video on You Tube sent me down a SYTYCD Best Routines wormhole. Can’t Stop Watching.
  • Cat after she makes a corny joke: “Shall I jump?” Meaning off the railing, to her doom.
  • Vanessa’s perkiness and the fact that she just loves everything is now grating.
  • I love it when Nigel uses dance terms.


Next week 2 Dancers are Eliminated….And by Next week I mean tomorrow because I am SOOOO behind on this recap. Until tomorrow…(but I probably wont post my recap till next weekend…) my friends!

Tonight the dancers are dancing together. That should be fun! I’m excited for it. Lets get on with the show and press play…





It might be wrong how much I loved the opening number performed by all the All-Stars and our Top 8. While part of me wonders what Nigel thinks of this performance (come on, you know why) the other part of me – the larger part of me – loves that a piece like this is allowed to exist. From Robert’s opening solo, to Jasmine being dragged across the floor on a stained glass piece of fabric while Allison throws purple petals behind her, I loved everything about this piece. This is a piece that can rival Ramalama Bang Bang. This is a routine to get excited about! This is a routine to remember. Werk. (Song: “Call Me Mother” by Ru Paul / Choreographer: Mark Kanemura)

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Opening Random Thoughts

  • I didn’t think I could love the opening number any MORE, until I found out it was choreographed by Mark Kanemura. Perfection. Absolute perfection.
  • I’m excited that the dancers are dancing together this episode.
  • Vanessa is blonde. I can’t tell if it’s a wig or not. She’s got the black roots, but it has absolutely no movement to it. It’s so stiff. Too much hairspray perhaps?
  • Mary looks fabulous today.


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Duet Performance #1: Koine and All-Star Marko

Style: Jazz / Choreographer: Mandy Moore
Song: “HandClap” by Fitz & The Tantrums
Performance Thoughts: I’m trying to figure out what’s going on with the styling, I think I like it? I’m not sure if I like it? The heels with the bare legs is interesting for this number. She’s wearing shorts, but then a long vest that moves like a dress. And what is Marko wearing? But anyway, this number is fun and easy breezy and they just look like they are having a good time dancing. Koine’s facial expressions are a little cheesy and I don’t think we really get to know her at all this piece. But it was a fun routine. The dancing was great, they were in sync and connected. I love that Mary acknowledges Koine’s spirit. The days have been long and hard for them and she made it look easy, which is true. Performance Grade: B

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Duet Performance #2: Taylor and All-Star Robert

Style: Hip Hop / Choreographer: Luther Brown
Song: “Bodak Yellow” by Cardi B
Performance Thoughts: Honestly, and I love him so much, but I totally forgot Robert was even in this piece and that’s a good thing. At first I was totally distracted by her hair. It was everywhere, in her face, in Robert’s face, in Robert’s costume, just everywhere, but girl didn’t let it phase it. It was like it was PART. OF. HER. Honestly, she crushed this routine. She was feeling it in her body and her bones. And she was hot hot hot. When Robert takes off her jacket? Whew! I almost didn’t even recognize her. Luther Brown always has these super cool vibes that are evident in all his routines and she embodied it to a T. Fantastic performance. Performance Grade: A-

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Duet Performance #3: Lex and All-Star Gaby

Style: Contemporary / Choreographer: Mandy Moore
Song: “Work Song” by Luke Wade
Performance Thoughts: I did not want this performance to end. You could totally tell this was completely and utterly in Lex’s wheelhouse. He was so confident and strong. Every single movement he made was pure strength. There was this move in the middle of the routine where Gaby picked him up by one arm off his back, limbs in the air, it was really fantastic. Or where he balanced on one hand then brown his body down like a broken doll. The routine was fantastic and Gaby really showed her strength as a dancer at one time supporting his body weight with her legs. So beautiful. Performance Grade: A

Duet Performance #4: Kaylee and All-Star Cyrus

Style: Cha Cha / Choreographer: Val Chmerkovskiy
Song: “Respect” by Aretha Franklin
Performance Thoughts:  I have to say, when I heard she get the Cha Cha, I was like man, this girl cannot cut a break with good routines, but I have to say she pulled it off. This was not your conventional ballroom routine. It had a story, modern clothes, modern song. Kaylee was moving her hips and really attacking the ballroom steps well at least in my limited knowledge of ballroom. I thought she did a great job and sold it in her performance and this hips! The routine gets the seal of approval from Mary the Ballroom queen! I’m glad she loved it. Performance Grade: B

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Duet Performance #5: Mark and All-Star Comfort

Style: Broadway / Choreographer: Spencer Liff
Song“Criminal” by Scott Bradlee’s Postmoder Jukebox, feat. Ariana Savalas
Performance Thoughts: I feel like some of Mark’s personality was flattened with his hair. It was a fun routine but something was a bit off in their chemistry this week. That being said Mark danced it really well, he definitely brought the Broadway out, but there was something missing from his performance. He didn’t bring is own uniqueness into it. Performance Grade: B-

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Duet Performance #6: Kiki and All- Star Jenna

Style: Jazz / Choreographer: Travis Wall
Song: “Pop Hd” by AtomTM
Performance Thoughts: I’m not sure how I felt about this routine. It was choreographed really well, I mean come on Travis Wall, the production design, styling, hair and make up, it all worked. It just did. But there was something off, something missing. Travis always has a lot of partnering work and while I thought Jenna did a great job. She can do weird really well, it reminds me of her other futuristic performance. But  I’m just not sure about Kiki. I think he was trying to be weird but instead he was kinda stiff and awkward. He actually reminded of Ross from Friends.  He needed to be a little weirder. Performance Grade: B-

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Duet Performance #7: Dassy and All-Star Fik-Shun

Style: Contemporary  / Choreography: Jaci Royal
Song: “Breathe” by Son Lux
Performance Thoughts: The moment I saw Dassy in that all-red costume I thought of American Horror Story. I thought Dassy killed it in this routine, she was so flexible and mesmerizing. In fact that whole routine was enchanting, I was almost holding my breath just trying to take in everything that was happening. When Fik-shun lifts her up like she’s completely weightless and she curves her body back, when she curls around him, that cool lift they did that’s reminiscent of the ice skating move from Cutting Edge…I really loved this routine, it was different, it was quiet, but what they did out there was HARD and they did it effortlessly and brilliantly. Also Dassy’s lipstick is mesmerizing. I think it’s the dark corners to the lipstick. Performance Grade: A-

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Duet #8: Logan and All-Star Allison

Style: Hip Hop / Choreographer: Christopher Scott
Song: “Say You Wont Let Go” by Boyce Avenue
Performance Thoughts: It was a really sweet routine. It’s so cool to see Allison doing hip hop, I don’t think I’ve ever seen that before. She had some killer moves out there (Thanks Twitch). But Logan was also doing some amazing B-Boy moves. This routine definitely had me smiling at the end, did I buy them as a married couple, maybe not till the end. Logan still looks like a kid but there’s nothing you can do about that. But it was a sweet routine with little touches that left me feeling warm and fuzzy, and their chemistry was incredible here, so I’ll take it! Performance Grade: A-

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Group Performance #2 – All Stars

Thoughts: This routine was super cool, them dancing with the plexi glass. Whenever there’s a sense of danger added to a routine I think it makes the performance more intoxicating. I loved how the dancers used the moments to create unique shapes, have cool movements across the floor and do some insane lifts. (Song: “Truth” by Balmorhea  / Choreographer: Jaci Royal) Performance Grade: A-

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Duet #9: Lex and Taylor

Style: Classical Jazz / Choreographer: Spencer Liff
Song: “An American In Paris” by James Levin & Chicago Symphony Orchestra
Performance Thoughts: Man these dancers are killing in tonight. That was another sweet routine. I mean really it was just stunning. I know it was classical jazz, but it felt more like Broadway. And then near the end when they are about to part but the music swells and he lifts her up in the AIRRRR! Seriously major swooning happening there. I think with a little more time their chemistry could have been on fire, but I did get chills when the music swelled and I had another round of warm fuzzies. Taylor looked absolutely stunning and Lex did some amazing bird aerials. Performance Grade: A-

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Duet Performance #10: Kiki and Koine

Style: Salsa / Choreographer: Val Chmerkovskiy
Song: “Danca Molengo” by Bonde do Role feat Rizzle Kicks
Performance Thoughts: First, can I just say how adorable Koine and Kiki are in their intro package. It’s like she brought out his goofy geeky side. He’s usually so serious. I love it. They’re adorbs.  Second, I love how this awesome lift that ends with Koine’s arms around his neck is accentuated with the singer saying “Yes.” That is just fabulous. Second, wow, this routine was pretty hot. While I could have done with a few more sultry looks and a little less smile smile, I thought it was a sassy, fun, routine with a major spark at the end. That girl wanted her kiss! Performance Grade: B+/A-

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Duet Performance #11: Logan and Kaylee

Style: Contemporary / Choreographer: Travis Wall
Song: “Shadows” by Woodkid
Performance Thoughts: Whoa, this piece was really intense! I loved the concept of the shadow and I really think they pulled it off, it was a fantastic effect and Kaylee being all covered and in dark make-up just made it all the more sinister. Logan’s moves are sooo amazing I just love how he moves, but Kaylee had the weirder, funkier, almost squished versions of his moves that was so cool. I really loved this piece. So intense. Performance  Grade: A-

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Duet Performance #12: Mark and Dassy

Style: Hip Hop / Choreographer: Christopher Scott
Song: “Tilted” by Christine and The Queens
Performance Thoughts: Someone out there was yelling “Hey” every time they did something cool with the umbrella and didn’t drop it. Was that Christopher Scott? I mean the didn’t drop the umbrella at all, but they did some super trick moves with it. This routine was light and fun and I think Dassy really brought out her personality. She was definitely more of a stand-out than Mark was. It was just a fun, cute routine. Performance Grade: B

Cat Announces the Bottom Three: ( I’m not ready for this…)  Kaylee, Dassy, Koine

My Thoughts on This: WHAT? How is Koine in the bottom three? I mean seriously. She’s fantastic! Okay so maybe her piece last week wasn’t the BEST, but still. If I had to vote for a bottom three merely by preference,  It would be Kaylee, Mark and Kiki, with Kaylee going home.  I won’t want to see anyone else go home today but Kaylee. Even thought she had a great day today I just love Dassy and Koine more than her.

Who’s Going Home:


My Thoughts: Ugh, I can’t believe they sent home Dassy. No….just No.



My Other Thoughts: WHO? WHAT? WHERE? WHY? HOW? HOOOOOWWWWWW! NO! Did they not see her amazing contemporary routine? I mean COME ON! Ugh! How was this decision unanimous? Ugh. I hate you all judges!

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  • Cat (in response to Taylor’s Hip Hop Routine with Robert): “I think everyone needs this facet of their personality to come out once in a while.” Preach!
  • Vanessa used the creepy word “lit” correctly and it wasn’t weird. Is that what that word is supposed to sound like?
  • Cat to Robert: “I also admire your six-pack work.” God, I love that woman.
  • Hey is that JaJa behind Jaci Royal?
  • There are a lot of kisses happening on this show today.
  • Kaylee to Logan: “So Travis Wall.” Logan: “Let me just melt real quick.” LOVE LOVE LOVE!
  • All of the routines were so great today.
  • Nigel: Mary you need never worry about anyone hearing you, darling.
  • Marko hugging Fik-shun when Koine is safe is everything. And then he grabs her and hugs her? His face. OMG.


Top 5 Performances (Because there were so many good ones)
  1. “Call Me Mother” Opening Group Number
  2. Lex and Allison – Contemporary
  3. Robert and Taylor – Hip Hop
  4. Dassy and Fik-Shun – Contemoirary
  5. Lex and Taylor – Jazz
My Ranking of the Dancers (50% Preference 50% Performance)
  1. Taylor
  2. Lex
  3. Koine
  4. Logan
  5. Mark
  6. Kiki
  7. Kaylee

(NOTE: If Dassy were still here she would be #5.)

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Final Thoughts: Nigel…I am soooooo mad at you. While this episode was filled with great routine after great routine and my heart still swells for that bird routine, all this is dulled by the sending home of Dassy. I just can’t believe it!


Until next episode my friends….

It’s a new day, new episode. I can forgive the judges voting Robert off last episode, but I won’t forget it. They better not vote off someone I adore again! Then again I don’t really have that many contestants I’m not a big fan of: Sydney, Kaylee, Kiki…okay I guess three is a lot. That’s 1/3 of the pack now. One of those guys *cough* Sydney *cough* can go home this week. But to find out who goes home, I have to press play, so here we go!





I think one of my favorite things about the show this season is the Hair Make-Up and Wardrobe. See the opening number as evidence. We get an awesome opening number and right away Lex stands out with his volcano hair. But back to that opening number choreographed by the always good, never failing Luther Brown, it was just fantastic and animalistic with hip-hop vibes as well as African jazz vibes. It was really cool. (Song: “YaYa” by Jonte)

Cat comes out with a cool outfit covered in gold grommets. I like it! She looks normal, like herself.  Vanessa, as usual look absolutely perfect.  I don’t know how she does it. Okay, I do, it’s called a Stylist. I gotta get me one of those.

Image result for so you think you can dance season 14 logan and allison


Style: Jive / Choreographers: Emma Slater and Sasha Farber
Song: “5 Months, 2 Weeks, 2 Days” by Louis Prima
Performance Thoughts: Wow they sure hammed it up during this one, but I guess that’s what you do for this style? That’s an actual question, someone answer me. That being said this routine was all about energy and character. They definitely had the energy and Allison was sure in character, but I think they were lacking some chemistry today. However performed the routine really well, there was maybe one or two awkward moments in there, but overall it was a fun, energetic, light routine. Performance Grade: B-

Solo #1: Kaylee

Song: “Wait For You” by Elliott Yamin
Solo Thoughts: She looks so great in her body con body suit and I love how her hair looks turquoise today. Her routine shows off her musicality, but I want to see more from her. Solo Grade: C+

Solo #2: Sydney

Song: Bla Bla Bla Cha Cha Cha” by Petty Booka
Solo Thoughts:  Her routine is typical ballroom solo, but she’s slinky and manages to show off so sass and personality so I’ll give her that. Still don’t forgive her for being there over Robert, but I guess that’s not her fault. Solo Grade: B-


Style: Hip Hop/ Choreographer: Dave Scott
Song: “You Don’t Own Me” by Grace feat G-Eazy
Performance Thoughts: Koine really got into this piece and while I wish she didn’t stay in that intense face the whole time, her dancing more than made up for this. She was in sync when she needed to be, hard when she needed to be and I love those moments where the camera got up close and intimate with her. It’s almost like she didn’t need Marko, but that part is a bad thing. It was supposed to be a duet and I didn’t really feel like they were partnering. If it’s about the dancing, Koine hit it and hit it hard, but the performance for the both of them could have been better. On another note, Dave Scott is back, y’all! Love him. Performance Grade: B-

Image result for so you think you can dance season 14 dassy and fik-shun


Style: Jazz / Choreographer: Ray Leeper
Song: “Bring the Funk Back,” by Big Gigantic
Performance Thoughts: Dassy and Fik-Shun definitely had chemistry this routine. It was fun, sexy, and high energy and also felt a bit 70’s. I found myself smiling and just enjoying this routine. How she dances in those heels though I don’t know.  Performance Grade: B

Solo #3: Kiki

Song: “Love Potion #9” by The Coasters
Solo Thoughts: The solo was nothing spectacular, but I love the confidence he exudes here. He needs to do that more in his duet performances. Solo Grade: B-


Style: Contemporary / Choreographer: Talia Favia
Song: “Ending” by Isak Danielson
Performance Thoughts:  This was a very different kind of contemporary and I have to say that ending shot with Mark rolling away like he was a piece of paper blowing in the wind took my breath away. I love how this contemporary piece had sharper movements as opposed to the flowy or delicate movements most contemporary routines have. And honestly, I couldn’t take my eyes off of Comfort, she was amazing in this. I love the pose of Comfort like a dolphin with on his back supporting her with his feet, I love the move where Comfort twisted Mark around by the foot. I really liked the choreography of this piece and again, that ending. WOW. Mary said the piece was so raw there were moments when she actually thought they were going to hurt each other and I totally felt that, especially when they were hitting each other  in the middle there, the way Comfort pushed him away you could almost HEAR it. Performance Grade: B+/A-

Solo #4: Taylor

Song: “Escalate” by Tsar B
Solo Thoughts: This solo was fantastic. Anne Hathaway Taylor showed control, poise, and she really used every beat of the music to make some incredible shapes and poses. I really liked it. Solo Grade: A


Choreographer: Travis Wall / Song: “Strange Fruit” by Nina Simone
Performance Thoughts: First of all, I love that Jasmine got to be a part of this. Next the lighting and staging was on point as the dancers always used the base of the tree as the focal point and dance in and out as if they were the branches of the tree. That’s some smart, sharp choreography thinking from Travis there. I love how intense it was without being intense. I think a lot of that has to do with Nina Simone and a lot of that has to do with the look on these dancers faces they are all really fantastic actors. When the camera gets close on Allison’s almost upside down head, seriously chills. And for a moment I didn’t know what was going on when their clothes changed, but that’s the perks of having a pre-recorded routine. As for the routine itself it was mesmerizing and chilling at the same time. Love that ending image of the hands. It was just a smart and chilling routine. (Update: I had no idea this routine was about Charlottesville, maybe that’s why I responded so much to that final image of the clasping hands) Performance Grade: A-

Image result for so you think you can dance logan and allison jive


Style: Broadway / Choreographer: Warren Carlyle
Song: “Miss Otis Regrets” by Bette Midler
Performance Thoughts: You can always tell how incredible a routine is by the reaction from the choreographer. Warren Carlyle said at the end of the clip he wasn’t sure if they were going to make it over the finish line, CUT TO Carlyle shaking his head in amazed disbelief as to just how good these two were. And they were GOOD. GREAT. INCREDIBLE. This routine and performance made me so happy. I loved where their feet were dancing as their faces were hidden behind the menus, I loved how Lex swished Gaby around that dance floor almost like she were a bag under his arm. I loved the expressions on Gaby’s face. And the tricks were definitely incredible. Then when they danced those classic broadway moves we know and love together, in sync it was just so much fun. And they looked like they were having fun. That’s important. I know we’re only half way through, but I have a feeling this might be my favorite performance of that night. Performance Grade: A

Solo #5: Logan

Song: “Otherside”, by Perfume Genius
Solo Thoughts: His solo was very circular, like a windmill or waves, it was very mesmerizing and the leg swipe thing he did was pretty cool. Solo Grade: A


Style: Hip Hop / Choreographer: Luther Brown
Song: “Really? Yeah!” by Kyle
Performance Thoughts: I really tried super hard not to like her in this piece, but I think the styling helped Sydney a lot. First of all, I love that neon color block bra-top she was wearing. I want that now. Where can I get it someone one tell me now! In the beginning she had the right attitude, the chill swag, the dirty grove that is so synonymous with Luther Browns style and choreography. But then just when I was starting to like her, she kept that silly grin on her face. The look on her face is just how I imagine I would look if I was trying to look cool. It’s this super tight smile as if someone was annoying you, but you were trying to be polite to placate them. I wish she varied her facial expressions a bit more. Overall, the dancing wasn’t terrible, the vibe wasn’t terrible, but the routine was nothing to wright home about. Vanessa hits it on the nose when she says  Sydney kept it cutesy. Performance Grade: C

Solo #6: Koine

Song: “Confidently Lost” by  Sabrina Claudio
Solo Thoughts: Her solo is sexy, which is a different side of her. She also does this cool crab pose where all her limbs make jagged edges. Solo Grade: B+

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Song: “Hey Pachuco!” by Royal Crown Revue / Choreographer: Chris Baldock
Performance Thoughts: It’s cool routine and different than other group routines. Less chaotic somehow. When the Top 9 Dancers dance together, it’s easy to see the weakness in some of the dancers, where they don’t make the same shapes as their fellow contestants. Love the neon patches on the uniform suits. Performance Grade: B

Image result for so you think you can dance season 14 dassy and fik-shun


Style: Jazz / Choreographer: Spencer Liff
Song: “Less Talk, More Art” by Vito Fun & Koil
Performance Thoughts: Kaylee definitely out danced Cyrus in this routine. Styles like this where she can be weird and funky are definitely where she excels. She looked so fantastic, her moves were slick, her attitude was just right and she looked relaxed like she was having fun. Cyrus looked more uncomfortable and they fell out of sync a few times but I think that was Cyrus’ fault. As a whole the routine was good, not great, but Kaylee knocked it out of the park. Spencer Liff’s expression when the camera cut to him was that of confusion – almost like he didn’t know how to react. Performance Thoughts: B (Though for Kaylee herself she gets a B+).

Solo #7: Mark

Song: “I See Fire” by Ed Sheeran
Solo Thoughts: I love that Mark puts his solo to songs with smoother beats. I love seeing him in his break dance style. Serious and brooding definitely sits well on Mark. Solo Grade: B+

Image result for so you think you can dance season 14 logan and allison jive


Style: Samba / Choreographer: Jean Marc Genereux
Song: “Bun Up the Dance” by Dillon Francis & Skrillex
Performance Thoughts: This routine was actually a lot of fun. It seemed almost like a mixture of dance styles and really challenged Taylor with technique, there wasn’t really a place for her to hide in this routine. I thought she danced it well, and her and Robert had great chemistry, but I was missing the fire Jean Marc was talking about. She had the same Sydney-like cutesy smile on her face throughout, almost like that smile was helping her concentrate on the steps. Sometimes it worked, but sometimes I wanted to see more heat and passion. Like the caress of Robert’s chest, or a sultry look. That ending look was definitely a look she needed more throughout the routine. Good, solid performance, but she could do better. Performance Grade: B

Solo #8: Dassy

Song: “Soundclash” by Flosstradamus & TroyBoi
Solo Thoughts: I loved this solo. I love this side of Dassy in her element. Her animation skills are so cool. Solo Grade: A

Solo #9: Lex

Song: “Trndsttr (Lucian Remix)” by Black Coast feat. M. Maggie
Solo Thoughts: This show has definitely broken Lex out of his shell. Paired with the song, his solo was smooth, and controlled and super cool, funky, and full of personality. This is Lex at his BEST! Solo Grade: A

Image result for so you think you can dance season 14  kiki and jenna


Style: Contemporary / Choreographer: Mandy Moore
Song: “The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face” by George Michael
Performance Thoughts: Though Kiki definitely showed his shades of ballroom, I actually liked it. Jenna did this cool in the air somersault through Kiki’s arms which was super cool. He was definitely a good, supportive partner for her. I wish Mandy had thrown him a little more tricks. That being said their chemistry was off the charts. I loved the way Jenna melted him, or a side smile Kiki would give her at just the right moment. It was super romantic and hot even though the song was mellow and the costuming was delicate. Also, guys Kiki looks good. I think he got a haircut right? He’s definitely moving up on the radar for me. Performance Grade: A-


  • Dassy
  • Sydney
  • Mark

My Thoughts on the Bottom Three: Currently my bottom three are Sydney, Kaylee and well it would have been Kiki only he was so good in that last routine it knocked him off and I don’t know who I’d replace him with. That being said, of these 3, I hope it’s Sydney that goes home. It’s her time judges, come on! Plus I honestly feel that Dassy’s solo and Marks performance TODAY saves them from going home.

Who’s Going Home: Sydney

My Thoughts: Nigel reveals that it was Mary and Vanessa who voted to keep Sydney in last week, which is interesting, very interesting. That being said the judges made the right call today in sending Sydney home. It was her time and she wasn’t growing fast enough. I am very happy that Dassy and Mark are safe!


  1. Lex and Gaby – Broadway
  2. Mark and Comfort – Contemporary
  3. Kiki and Jenna – Contemporary


  • Sometimes Vanessa’s awareness of her “cuteness” is annoying.
  • Love, Cat asking Fik-Shun to “blow on her.” Breath check guys, breath check.
  • Mary needs to stop it with the “hip” lingo. Related: So does Nigel.
  • I want/need/desire Kaylee’s electric blue lipstick.
  • Love Travis’ face when they cut to him/Mandy Moore after asking if Jenna and Kiki kissed.  His face was like “whoops!”


Nigel Creepy Comment of the Show: “It was slightly naughty.”


My Ranking of the Contestants After This Episode

  1. Lex
  2. Logan
  3. Taylor
  4. Koine
  5. Mark
  6. Dassy
  7. Kiki
  8. Kaylee


Overall the performances were lackluster today. The only one I really really like and remember is Lex and Gaby but even that doesn’t compare to Taylor and Robert’s performance from 3 episodes. I want more stand-out moments! Bring it on.

Until next week…